Lloyd Richards .dev
May 26, 2023

Nesting Bubbles in Bubbles with D3 Force

Experiments to nest bubbles in bubbles with D3 force layout

With an idea on how D3 force layout works, I wanted to try to nest bubbles in bubbles. The broad stroked of the idea is to have a parent bubble that contains child bubbles. There will be two simulations, one for the parent that will calculate the center of a topic and a seocnd for the child which will calculate the force on the child based on their topic type.

With the nesting bubbles i'm basically running two simulations at once. The first calcualtes the center of the topic area and updates the layout property with the x and y coord. Using the sum of all the elements by type its possible to effect the radius of the area within the collide force.

// Node Simulator
useEffect(() => {
  const nodeSim = forceSimulation()
      forceX<SimulationNodeDatum & Partial<Node>>(
        (d) => layout.find((e) => e.type == d.type)?.x || width / 2,
      forceY<SimulationNodeDatum & Partial<Node>>(
        (d) => layout.find((e) => e.type == d.type)?.y || width / 2,
    .force("charge", forceManyBody())
        .radius((d) => d.count + 10),
  nodeSim.on("tick", () => {
    ...data.map((d) => ({ ...d, color: topicColor(d.type || "SPORT") })),
  return () => {
}, [data, layout]);

Then for the nested items, another simulation runs to and applies the xForce and yForce based on the location of the layout. The result currently is a bit of delayed calculation where the layout needs to settle first before the nested ones can more, but I think this can be fixed by moving the nodeSim into its own state.