Experimenting with SVG manipulation and animation in order to prepare for making
my final project. My goals and tasks include:
Setup Anime.JS
Make Simple animation on click event
Get SVG object to follow a non-linear path
Get several SVGs to follow the same path after each click
Installed anime.js into my package.json through npm
followed by importing it into this functional components
Lets try move some squares around the place
For this, i had to create a class based component for the box that toook in the
props for the translateX. This was then rendered during componentDidMount and
componentDidUpdate through a this.anime function. The click action was then
taken care of by a button on the page (also a class based component) that
updated its state which was passed to the Box component.
Added another class and then used the same button to effect its movement but in
a different way. When updating the props I ran into an issue with typescript
that it didn't recognize the this.box reference. I'm not sure how to fix this
but will ask Peter. This will also be a key issue when wanting to make new
objects on click and each one having a seperate ref
The problem I see with this current version is that the state is currently being
help on the page component, and I need each object to have its own stored state
and then for the top level to controll how many of these there are.
After Chatting with Peter After a long chat with Peter about using Typescript
with anime.js I've made some big changes to how to write the components for
this. The main difference is to use pure Functional Components for the objects
and then dealing with the anime() in the useEffect.
Here is a box made from a 'pure' functional component
Peter also suggested ways to clean up the state managment system. Suggesting
that there should be a BoxManagement component that uses hooks to manage an
array of boxes that holds the id's and internal states of each box. Then each
box can be be rendered using map.