The plan with this is to have a small system of pipes and boxes that move around
in a circle. There needs to be multiple paths that it can take with an input, a
cycling feature, and a garbage. The plan is:
Used Figma and SVGOMG to create paths that were copy and pasted into the page
component. Each one was given a unique id and colour to help identify them.
Currently there are three paths:
Buttons added and moved to the centre of the diagram. Had to move their zIndex
up since they were being blocked by the SVGs when trying to click. Debugged with
a console log to make sure everything is working.
Hooked up some simple random logic that generates a new piece each time
something gets to the end. By pressing 'Add' you can introduce parts to the
system which will cycle around and around. Need to set up some more logic as
well as a seperate state for the possible direction. Will also be usefull to
figure out how to remove the elements after they complete as it slows down after
a while.
Would also be interesting to play around with the 'speed' of the assembly line
by having a contant that can be changed which effects the speed proportionally.
There is a method on the anime.path()
that should allow to figure out its
length and then use some kind of velocity calculated off of distance/time.
Added a filter that removes the object when its converted to the next type. Have
also implimented a lookup table for what paths the item can take. Now the state
remains the same size throughout, though the ids of each object changes. Would
like to next work on a click event to highlight something and then pass this
property along to the next conversion. Additionally Id like to try splitting up
the conversion so when 'garbage' converts to 'grind' it results in say 5 smaller
circles which could go either way. Additionally, some conversions could only
take place when a certain amount have accomulated, say when 5 pellets are turned
into a product.
import anime from "animejs" ;
import React from "react" ;
interface AssemblyLine {
garbage : Array < GarbageType >;
grinds : Array < GrindType >;
pellets : Array < PelletType >;
products : Array < ProductType >;
interface GarbageType {
id : string ;
type : string ;
highlight : boolean ;
interface GrindType {
id : string ;
type : string ;
highlight : boolean ;
interface PelletType {
id : string ;
type : string ;
highlight : boolean ;
interface ProductType {
id : string ;
type : string ;
highlight : boolean ;
const routes = [
{ parent : "garbage" , possibleRoutes : [ "grind1" , "grind2" ] },
{ parent : "grind1" , possibleRoutes : [ "pellet2" ] },
{ parent : "grind2" , possibleRoutes : [ "pellet1" ] },
{ parent : "pellet2" , possibleRoutes : [ "product2" , "product3" ] },
{ parent : "pellet1" , possibleRoutes : [ "product1" ] },
{ parent : "product1" , possibleRoutes : [ "garbage" ] },
{ parent : "product2" , possibleRoutes : [ "garbage" ] },
{ parent : "product3" , possibleRoutes : [ "garbage" ] },
export const SVGSystem = () => {
const [ state , setState ] = React . useState < AssemblyLine >({
garbage : [],
grinds : [],
pellets : [],
products : [],
const nextPath = (
item : GarbageType | GrindType | PelletType | ProductType ,
) => {
const nextRoute = routes . find (( i ) => i . parent === item . type );
if ( nextRoute ) {
return nextRoute . possibleRoutes [
Math . floor ( Math . random () * nextRoute . possibleRoutes . length )
} else return "garbage" ;
const addGarbage = () => {
const newId = Math . random (). toString ();
setState (( state ) => {
const garbage = state . garbage . concat ({
id : newId ,
type : "garbage" ,
highlight : false ,
return { ... state , garbage };
const addGrind = ( parent : GarbageType ) => {
setState (( state ) => {
const grinds = state . grinds . concat ({
id : parent . id ,
type : nextPath ( parent ),
highlight : parent . highlight ,
const garbage = state . garbage . filter (( i ) => parent . id != i . id );
return { ... state , garbage , grinds };
const addPellet = ( parent : GrindType ) => {
setState (( state ) => {
const pellets = state . pellets . concat ({
id : parent . id ,
type : nextPath ( parent ),
highlight : parent . highlight ,
const grinds = state . grinds . filter (( i ) => parent . id != i . id );
return { ... state , grinds , pellets };
const addProduct = ( parent : PelletType ) => {
setState (( state ) => {
const products = state . products . concat ({
id : parent . id ,
type : nextPath ( parent ),
highlight : parent . highlight ,
const pellets = state . pellets . filter (( i ) => parent . id != i . id );
return { ... state , pellets , products };
return (
< div >
< div style = {{ position : "relative" }} >
< button
onClick = {() => {
addGarbage ();
// console.log("Added");
style = {{
zIndex : 5 ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : 1000 ,
left : 100 ,
backgroundColor : "green" ,
</ button >
< button
onClick = {() => {
// console.log(state);
style = {{
zIndex : 5 ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : 1000 ,
left : 350 ,
backgroundColor : "blue" ,
</ button >
< button
onClick = {() => {
setState ({
garbage : [],
grinds : [],
pellets : [],
products : [],
style = {{
zIndex : 5 ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : 1000 ,
left : 500 ,
backgroundColor : "red" ,
</ button >
</ div >
< div style = {{ width : 800 , height : 2000 }} >
{ state . garbage . map (( item ) = > (
< Garbage
key = {item. id }
id = {item. id }
pathRef = { "#garbage-svg path" }
onComplete = {() => addGrind ( item )}
{ state . grinds . map (( item ) = > (
< Grind
key = {item. id }
id = {item. id }
pathRef = { `# ${ item . type } -svg path` }
onComplete = {() => addPellet ( item )}
{ state . pellets . map (( item ) = > (
< Pellet
key = {item. id }
id = {item. id }
pathRef = { `# ${ item . type } -svg path` }
onComplete = {() => addProduct ( item )}
{ state . products . map (( item ) = > (
< Product
key = {item. id }
id = {item. id }
pathRef = { `# ${ item . type } -svg path` }
onComplete = { addGarbage }
< div style = {{ position : "relative" }} >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "product1-svg"
< path
d = "M211.5 466v110.5c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30h-31c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v223c0 16.569 13.431 30 30 30H196c16.569 0 30 13.431 30 30V935"
fill = "none"
stroke = "purple"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "pellet1-svg"
< path
d = "M540 1847.5v9.5c0 16.57 13.431 30 30 30h72c16.569 0 30-13.43 30-30V320.5c0-16.569-13.431-30-30-30H239.5c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v123"
fill = "none"
stroke = "blue"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "product3-svg"
< path
d = "M426 470h119c16.569 0 30 13.431 30 30v109.5c0 9.665-7.835 17.5-17.5 17.5v0c-9.665 0-17.5 7.835-17.5 17.5v88"
fill = "none"
stroke = "orange"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "product2-svg"
< path
d = "M426 495v32c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30h-28.5c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v145.5"
fill = "none"
stroke = "red"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "pellet2-svg"
< path
d = "M426 1847.5v40.5c0 16.57 13.431 30 30 30h217c16.569 0 30-13.43 30-30V287.5c0-16.569-13.431-30-30-30H456c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v156"
fill = "none"
stroke = "orange"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "grind2-svg"
< path
d = "M436 1317h74c16.569 0 30 13.43 30 30v52.5c0 16.57-13.431 30-30 30H384c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v94c0 16.57 13.431 30 30 30h126c16.569 0 30 13.43 30 30V1838"
fill = "none"
stroke = "green"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "grind1-svg"
< path
d = "M426 1331.5V1448c0 16.57-13.431 30-30 30H221c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v138.5c0 16.57 13.431 30 30 30h175c16.569 0 30 13.43 30 30v129"
fill = "none"
stroke = "pink"
</ svg >
< svg
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
id = "garbage-svg"
< path
d = "M323 1012v150.01c0 16.57 13.431 29.99 30 29.99h41.5c16.569 0 30 13.43 30 30v85"
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightblue"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste8-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M411 1843.5H76.5c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v80.5"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste7-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M523 1847h-11.5c-10.77 0-19.5 8.73-19.5 19.5v0c0 10.77-8.73 19.5-19.5 19.5h-396c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v43"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste6-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M407.5 1320h-331c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v610.5"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste5-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M212.5 936H202c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v272c0 16.57-13.431 30-30 30H76.5c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v662.5"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste4-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M320 736h-7.5c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v471.5c0 16.57-13.431 30-30 30h-176c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v660"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste3-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M528 734.5h-9c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30V870c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30H314c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v306c0 16.57-13.431 30-30 30H76.5c-16.569 0-30 13.43-30 30v661.5"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste2-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M193 456h-1c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v5.5c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30H76.5c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30V1954"
</ svg >
< svg
id = "waste1-svg"
width = "800"
height = "2000"
style = {{ position : "absolute" }}
< path
fill = "none"
stroke = "lightgrey"
d = "M409.5 472.5h-15.75c-14.774 0-26.75 11.976-26.75 26.75v0c0 14.774-11.976 26.75-26.75 26.75H283c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v241c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30H76.5c-16.569 0-30 13.431-30 30v1102"
</ svg >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
interface BoxProps {
id : string ;
pathRef : string ;
delay ?: number ;
onComplete ?: () => void ;
onClick ?: () => void ;
const velocity = 0.0005 ;
export const Garbage = ({ pathRef , onComplete , delay } : BoxProps ) => {
const ref = React . useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
React . useEffect (() => {
const path = anime . path ( pathRef );
// console.log("garbage path", path);
const instance = anime ({
targets : ref . current ,
translateX : path ( "x" ),
translateY : path ( "y" ),
rotate : path ( "angle" ),
delay : delay ,
duration : path . length / velocity ,
easing : "linear" ,
complete : onComplete ,
return instance . pause ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ pathRef ]);
return (
< div
ref = { ref }
style = {{
height : 25 ,
width : 25 ,
backgroundColor : "green" ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : "-12px" ,
left : "-12px" ,
> </ div >
export const Grind = ({ pathRef , onComplete , delay } : BoxProps ) => {
const ref = React . useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
React . useEffect (() => {
const path = anime . path ( pathRef );
const instance = anime ({
targets : ref . current ,
translateX : path ( "x" ),
translateY : path ( "y" ),
rotate : path ( "angle" ),
delay : delay ,
duration : path . length / velocity ,
easing : "linear" ,
complete : onComplete ,
return instance . pause ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ pathRef ]);
return (
< div
ref = { ref }
style = {{
height : 25 ,
width : 25 ,
backgroundColor : "lightgreen" ,
position : "absolute" ,
borderRadius : "50%" ,
top : "415px" ,
left : "-12px" ,
> </ div >
export const Pellet = ({ id , pathRef , onComplete , delay } : BoxProps ) => {
const ref = React . useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
React . useEffect (() => {
const path = anime . path ( pathRef );
const instance = anime ({
targets : ref . current ,
translateX : path ( "x" ),
translateY : path ( "y" ),
rotate : path ( "angle" ),
delay : delay ,
duration : path . length / velocity ,
easing : "linear" ,
complete : onComplete ,
return instance . pause ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ id , pathRef ]);
return (
< div
ref = { ref }
style = {{
height : 25 ,
width : 25 ,
backgroundColor : "blue" ,
position : "absolute" ,
borderRadius : "50%" ,
top : "415px" ,
left : "-12px" ,
> </ div >
export const Product = ({ pathRef , onComplete , delay } : BoxProps ) => {
const ref = React . useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
React . useEffect (() => {
const path = anime . path ( pathRef );
const instance = anime ({
targets : ref . current ,
translateX : path ( "x" ),
translateY : path ( "y" ),
rotate : path ( "angle" ),
delay : delay ,
duration : path . length / velocity ,
easing : "linear" ,
complete : onComplete ,
return instance . pause ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ pathRef ]);
return (
< div
ref = { ref }
style = {{
height : 25 ,
width : 50 ,
backgroundColor : "tomato" ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : "420px" ,
left : "-25px" ,
> </ div >
export const Waste = ({ pathRef , onComplete , delay } : BoxProps ) => {
const ref = React . useRef < HTMLDivElement >( null );
React . useEffect (() => {
const path = anime . path ( pathRef );
const instance = anime ({
targets : ref . current ,
translateX : path ( "x" ),
translateY : path ( "y" ),
rotate : path ( "angle" ),
delay : delay ,
duration : path . length / velocity ,
easing : "linear" ,
complete : onComplete ,
return instance . pause ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [ pathRef ]);
return (
< div
ref = { ref }
style = {{
height : 10 ,
width : 10 ,
backgroundColor : "black" ,
position : "absolute" ,
top : "-5px" ,
left : "-5px" ,
> </ div >