

July 01, 2024

Competitiveness Outlook Data Hub

Data platform for centralising and visualising the key findings of the Competitiveness Outlook (CO) flagship publication series. The data hub represents the data, scores, and recommendations as interactive and visual stories, making them more understandable and engaging.

The OECD South East Europe Regional Programme (SEERP) helps communicate the recent successes and challenges for policymakers in each region. The SEERP's work is important for boosting competitiveness and regional integration in the Western Balkans, in line with the region's EU agenda.

Project Overview

The OECD Competitiveness Data Hub is an important digital platform designed to make its 2024 report more accessible, engaging, and actionable for policymakers and the public. As a developer, I led the technical decisions for the platform, assuring that the data was accurately visualised and that the user experience was well received. The application is used by policymakers in the Western Balkans to make informed decisions as they strive for alignment with EU standards.

Challenges and Insights

Data Visualization Complexity

The most significant challenge was designing the visualisation system for the data point, where everything needed to be visible even when overlapping. Using D3.js to create SVG charts along with scaling and vector calculations, I was able to ensure that all data remained accurate and visually clear, even in dense regions of the dataset.

Multi-Channel Adaptability

Creating a cohesive user experience across platforms required innovative approaches. While the web visualisation was the client's core focus, ensuring that the responsive design retained the core experience was also important.

Collaboration in a High-Stakes Environment

Working with the OECD introduced unique challenges, such as navigating geopolitical sensitive topics like trade agreements and regional conflicts, and balancing input from multiple stakeholders. Communication and flexibility were essential to meeting the strict deadlines for the high-profile launch event in Paris.

Key Learnings


The report's launch was well received and has been an essential project for 2024. My technical innovations directly contributed to making the OECD Competitiveness Data Hub a user-friendly and powerful tool for policymakers worldwide. The success of this platform shows the importance of visualising complex economic data in an accessible way, helping policymakers to improve competitiveness and regional integration in the Western Balkans.